Interested in experiencing the benefits of working with a coach, but looking for a budget-conscious format?

Welcome to Group Coaching Workshops. Enjoy the opportunity to meet and share best practices, ideas and alternative ways of thinking from others who are on the same journey as you. The learnings of others becomes your learnings as you share and grow together. Plus, you still benefit from being held accountable by someone who has your best interests at heart and wants to see you succeed.

Click on the group workshop topics below for information about agendas, key learnings and scheduled dates.

As with coaching clients, Virtual Group Coaching is by application only. This ensures that everybody in the workshop is ready to make serious, positive change. It also ensures that the group is a cohesive and supportive environment for everybody who attends. 

To apply for Virtual Group Coaching, please click the apply box.

If you'd like to discuss this particular way of working in more detail, please send me a message and we can have a conversation.

Upcoming Group Coaching Workshops

To be notified when new group coaching workshops are scheduled, to register for an existing workshop, please click the below link.