Workshops & Events

9th May - 2018

The Art of Yoga, Is Where You Will Find Workshop

Exploring the body, mind and breath during this

intro to mindfulness & Yoga workshop.

A strong focus on breath and movement infused together to create a higher level of consciousness.

Wednesdays Morning  7:00 – 8:00, starting 9th May in Westmere


Everything that is to be found, already exists and

lives inside of you. This introduction to yoga and

mindfulness workshop will allow you to do just

that; tap into your creative energy to find

whatever it is your searching for.

  • We will practice the art of observing our thoughts

    while maintaining openness, curiosity, and


  • It's an opportunity that will allow us to rediscover

    what it means to truly be alive and manage our


  • We will use movement (asanas) and breath to play

    with the shapes our body needs when we are

    both on and off the mat.

  • Suitable for absolute beginners as well as those

    with existing yoga and mindfulness practices.

  • Dates and additional info here.



Week 1 - The Beginning, 9th May

“When the breath wanders, the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath.”

  • Meet your breath for the first time

  • Introduction to mindfulness

  • Beginner flow (alignment focused gentle sequence)

Week 2 – Let Go, 16 May

“When there is no mind, you're in yoga; when there is mind your not in yoga. You may do all the postures, but if the mind goes on functioning, if you go on thinking, your not in yoga”.

  • Meet your body for the very first time

  • Self Awareness, looking from outside in

  • Beginner flow (breath & movement)

Week 3 – Holding On, 23 May

“Don't move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move. Move the way joy makes you move.

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Blindfolded Yoga flow (see when you physically can't see)

Week 4 – Love, 30 May

“The mind is the king of the senses, but the breath is the king of the mind."

  • Maintaining the practice off your mat!

  • Creating your own yoga flow/sequence


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