This agreement is between Coach Brian Consultancy and Alex Panetta at Vend HQ.
for coaching and professional services.
Coach - Brian DeGregory & Coachee - Alex Panetta
Coach Undertakings
- I agree to serve as your Coach, to partner with you to identify and achieve your goals. I cannot guarantee results, but you can create powerful results by having the courage and determination to forward the action in your life. Coaching is a confidential relationship and the Coach agrees to keep all information strictly confidential, except in those situations where such confidentiality would violate the law.
- During the time we spend together in our coaching sessions, I will devote my time, thoughts, and energy to you, exclusively. In between our sessions, I may not be instantly available, as I may be attending to others. I do however promise that I will get back to you as soon as possible.
- I invite you to think of coaching as a process. Many people create change for themselves in a short time, however to refine and sustain the change can take several months. Coaching will be an ongoing relationship that may take a number of months although either party can terminate the relationship at any time.
- As your Coach, I will bring attentive listening, understanding, belief in you and commitment to your success. You can expect me to challenge you, offer fresh perspectives, make requests (including assigning homework), acknowledge your wins, and guarantee confidentiality.
- If I ever say or do anything that upsets you or doesn't feel right, please bring it to my attention so that we can resolve it as soon as possible. My objective is to have a coaching relationship that is fully open, honest, real and trusting. We should both realise that communication via telephone or email entails extra challenges since we can not see body language or facial expressions. Therefore we give each other plenty of latitude, and promptly ask for clarification if there is a mis-connection.
- I am a Coach, not a psychotherapist or physician, and I am not trained in diagnosing psychological or medical conditions. If any issues come up for you that should be handled by a licensed therapist or physician, I insist that you must attend to your health by contacting the appropriate professional.
Coachee Undertakings
- The Coachee undertakes to enter fully into the agreement. The coachee understands they are responsible for creating their own results. The Coach guarantees to support and develop the Coachee to achieve their goals.
- I am motivated and committed to taking action on my determined personal and professional goals. I realise that anything less than my intentional full participation will not lead to my success. I accept full responsibility for myself and any actions I take that might result from Coaching.
- I agree to honour my scheduled session times and give at least 24 hours notice of not being able to make a session.
- I am under the care of a physician and healthy enough to engage in coaching.
- I give permission for my name, email and coaching hours only to be logged with the International Coach Federation for continuous accreditation purposes of the Coach.
- Fee: - arranged with your organisation, Vend HQ.
- Coaching location: Unless otherwise agreed, coaching sessions will take place over the telephone, google hangout or Skype.
- You will receive 6, one-hour coaching sessions.
If you don't agree or have any questions, please contact me directly. By completing the information below, you agree to the terms and conditions listed above.