Conscience Leadership

Commercially focused leadership training that taps into the unconscious and uses Neuroleadership

See how much actually improves when we become more curious and conscience.

“The forgotten ingredient to most change initiatives“

  • Are your change initiatives taking too long or your talent becoming

  • Are you noticing increased frustration levels at either what you do or the people around you that do it

  • Do you find yourself continuously repeating yourself or following up and not seeing the results you want


Embed these FIVE


and watch the quality of your decision making improve!


Leadership today is demanding and challenging

Changing technology, easy access to so much

information, people issues, shifting priorities, all

compounded with the pressure of doing your actual

job. It’s no wonder why we have burnout, heart

disease, other illnesses and a whole range of other


Unfortunately, we don't fix the root issue

We attempt to fix these issues by adding more

headcount, streamlining processes, software

solutions, wellness programs and or work life balance

initiatives. While these things are beneficial, they fail

to address the bigger issue.

"Mindfulness training has been used by the military,

sports teams, universities, and large corporates for

years... they just called it something different"

- so why not give it a try!